contains henna, along with other precious herbs that are known to condition and strengthen the hair. The ShahnazForever henna precious herb mix is a special herbal hennafor hair and helps to control problems like dandruff and hair loss.

The henna plant contains pigment molecules called Lawsonia. Lawsonia produces dye. Depending on the henna plant, the dye may produce varying degrees of orange or red dye. Lawsonia pigment stains keratin, the outside layers of skin and hair. As the skin naturally exfoliates, the henna is shed away. Henna stain on skin can last anywhere from days to weeks. Henna stain on hair gradually fades. It can last for as little as one month and as long as six months. The color that the henna will produce varies depending on skin color, hair color and body part. Henna appears more orange on lighter skin and hair colors and redder on darker skin and hair colors.

What does the Shahnaz Hussain’s Henna Precious Herb Mix claim:
Pure henna leaves with a number of precious herbal ingredients make it a unique formulation for hair care. Fortifies and strengthens the hair, making it look conditioned and healthy.
Ingredient list:
 Amla-1.0%, Neem- 1.50%, Shikakai- 2.0%, Babul gand – 1.0%, Mehendi –to make 100%

How To Prepare the Pack: 
  • First pour the desired quantity of it into a container preferably, an iron container.
  • Add boiled tea liquor enough for making a toothpaste like consistency
  • 2tbl spoon of lemon juice/vinegar- keeps dandruff away
  • 1 tbl spoon of castor oil- promotes hair growth & prevents dryness
  • 2 tbl spoon of meethi (fenugreek) powder- prevents hair loss, makes hair silky & soft.
  • 1 whole egg white – I personally hate the stink of egg white so I mostly skip this step. Egg adds volume to the hair.
  • Mix them all up and let the mixture  sit overnight covered with a wrapper.

How to apply the Henna pack:
  • After washing and drying hair, comb your hair into sections.
  • Work the henna into the hair and scalp, starting at the nape of the neck. You can do so by using a hair coloring brush or simply with gloved hands.
  • Continue doing the same until all the hair are fully covered starting from the scalp to the tip.
  • Pile the hair at the top of the head and wrap the entire head with plastic wrap.
  • Depending on the intensity of red that you want, leave the henna for 30minutes to 1 hr (for conditioning) 3 to 4 hr (if darker tint is required)
  • Wash the henna by rinsing as much as possible with cold water, and then shampoo your hair. Conditioner helps to release the last bits of henna from the hair.** wash until the water runs clear.

Pros of Shahnaz Hussain Precious Herb Mix :

  • Earlier I  to suffer from severe hair loss but ever since I am applying henna I have noticed a remarkable change in my hair quality. It also reduced my hair fall to negligible.
  • The aroma is very pleasant unlike natural henna. The aroma is natural henna is very strong.
  • I like the cooling effect it gives after application.
  • As henna is a natural hair color, it is almost devoid of any side effects. It is 100% natural.
  • It is also a good conditioner;
  • It imparts a lustrous shine and smooth texture to my hair.
  • It has anti fungal property thus it helps to keep dandruff away
  • My hair is now more tangle-free and manageable.
  • It has strengthened my hair.
  • Decently priced